
What does Sustainability mean to WISKA?

As a family business, we have been working for generations to achieve good long-term results at all levels. Specifically, for us this means finding a responsible balance between economic, social and ecological aspects in everything we do.

We see this as our corporate responsibility towards our employees and the environment, but also towards our partners and society. As WISKA, we want to be part of the solution and continuously expand our contribution to a better world for all.

For us, sustainability is not a buzzword, but a practice that has been practiced for generations. Making a profit has never been the only goal; our greatest motivation remains to inspire our customers and users with innovative, long-lasting product solutions with a strong team, while avoiding negative effects along the value chain and doing as much good as possible. Our quality and environmental management systems have been certified for many years. We are proud to have been one of the first German companies to meet the ISO 14001 standard for environmental management systems back in 1996.

In addition,  from 2024 onwards we will have our sustainability management assessed annually by EcoVadis.

What does Sustainability mean to WISKA?

Tanja Hoppmann - General Management and Head of Sustainability

What are our Sustainabilty Goals?

In 2023, we developed our first sustainability strategy together with external professionals. This was based on an internal and external materiality analysis to identify our focus topics, which we divided into these three fields of action: Environment, Employees and Corporate Responsibility. 

Click on an icon to find out more about each of the areas.


Sustainable Development Goals

For our sustainability strategy, we took a closer look at the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. We are excited about the global plan that the world agreed on in 2015 to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all.

We want to participate in this and see our greatest positive leverage in these four SDGs:



We are proud of our first rating from EcoVadis, the world's largest and most recognized provider of sustainability ratings for companies. In January 2024, Ecovadis awarded us a "good performance" for our sustainability management with 51 out of 100 points. This is both confirmation and an incentive for us to push ahead with our ambitious goals and improve in this area every year.


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